
Monthly Archives: November 2010

We were assigned a task of creating an A2 poster made from a combination of a relief print and a screen print. As this was unknown territory with hands on printing, I decided to keep things simple, choosing one colour for the screen print and two colours for my relief.

We had to choose a stall in one of the local indoor markets in the Wrexham town centre, and from that stall choose a product to base our design on. I picked the butchers market, and chose M.E.Deli a Delicatessen selling everything from fresh meat, cheeses, eggs etc. The product I chose and the one that stood out was Mrs Darlingtons Jams and Marmalades. The Jars had a Checkered table cloth effect lid, which I personally found authentically appealing.

Below is my digital print.

We were asked to create a version of one of our sketches of john maeda’s laws of simplicity (previous post), for the print section of our assignment.

I chose simplicity and complexity need each other for my piece, which was designed in illustrator.

Here is my final print


We were asked to develop an 11th Law which compliments John Maeda’s 10 laws of simplicity.  The law I came up with was Purity: is Simplicity.

We were asked to use this law to create a 10 second piece of motion graphics that included sound.  The overall aim of this assignment was to have the graphics move in accordance with the sound.

Here is my 10 second clip. The clip should be looped.

Purity is Simplicity.

Check out this 4 minute video, Johnson claims that there are many ways that good ideas spring forth, but the solitary eurika moment is very rare. Usually it begins with a hunch and it’s some other event, or somebody else’s hunch that triggers the new idea. Two half-hunches, if you will.
One thing Johnson mentions is that our abilities to connect with one another through technology has increased tremendously, and that as you can see from wikis and the idea of open source technologies, people are coming up with new ideas faster than ever because of the possibility to connect more.